False media narrative regarding legal history

A false narrative of the charges against Ken Dyers has frequently been promoted by the media which needs to be corrected. The true narrative is set out below.

The first attack (1993-2002)

The first conspiracy involving false sex allegations against Kenja and Ken began in 1993 with three sisters from one family and another girl (the best friend of one of the sisters) alleging abuse.

The mother of one of the girls had been told to leave Kenja because of her physical assault of children in breach of Kenja ethics. The second mother had been asked to leave because of the theft of Kenja funds, on three separate occasions. Both single-mother families were required to leave the organisation.

When approached by members of the hate group Cult Aware, both mothers attempted to sue Kenja for compensation for allegedly “being brainwashed”.

This legal effort did not get off the ground and in 1993 after a joint effort by Cult Aware, a hostile former member Annette Stephens and a NSW Liberal MP Stephen Mutch, criminal charges were brought against Mr Dyers, after the girls had met with Mr Mutch and Annette Stephens in a room at the Victorian parliament. During the course of that meeting, the girls said, while laughing, that they were motivated to come forward out of a "basic hate for the group" and that they "would like to see it closed down". Over the course of the taped interview the girls laughed on several occasions as what allegedly happened was discussed.

There were 16 original charges, 11 of which went to Court after 5 were abandoned before trial. The defence alleged that there was a malicious conspiracy to destroy Kenja and Dyers using false sex allegations as a political weapon. Of the 11 charges brought, 10 resulted in verdicts of not guilty, and the final charge which involved an alleged kiss on a girl’s forehead resulted in a conviction following a judge’s misdirection to the jury, which was later quashed by the High Court in a decision in 2002.

Ken’s name at this point was cleared of any wrongdoing. The jury obviously rejected the allegations. This history is never referred to in media reports although the legal battle to clear his name had lasted ten years and received massive media coverage.

The second attack (2005-2007)

In July 2002 a Sydney Eastern suburbs family was asked to leave Kenja because of the father’s inappropriate relationship with his daughter, which had been dealt with openly in the organisation on a number of occasions.

Fearful of exposure, the father has for many years obsessively attempted to destroy Kenja. This initially involved getting his daughter in September 2002 to make allegations against Ken to deflect attention away from himself after a school counsellor, concerned for her welfare, spoke to the girl several months after the family had been asked to leave Kenja.

These claims were fully investigated in 2002-2004 and not pursued by NSW police.

In early 2005, at the time of the breaking of the Cornelia Rau story, this same man promoted malicious falsehoods about Rau’s involvement with Kenja to the press, which escalated and became sensationalised in accounts in the Daily Telegraph. This was designed to provoke police action against Kenja, which it did.

This led to Ken being charged with 22 counts of molestation of the man's daughter in October 2005, and also her best friend who had for 3 years refused to back up the girl’s story about sexual abuse but had changed her evidence following meetings with police, three weeks before Ken’s arrest. Outside the court after bail had been granted, Ken declared his innocence and said that he would fight the charges vigorously as long as his heath held out.

Sutherland Local Court, 28 October 2005

In May 2007, Ken who was 85 and suffering from severe mental and physical ailments, was found unfit for trial in the District Court.

A third girl, again under pressure from this same father to go to police, after having stridently denied in a police interview in 2003 that she had been assaulted, and described the complainant as a "liar" and that she "twists people's emotions", made new allegations against Ken.

This particular woman, then aged 19, had sided with her father in multi-million dollar divorce proceedings against her mother, who supported Kenja and Ken against her allegations.

She and her father were canvassed to go to the police and a month after Ken had been declared unfit to stand trial, the police pursued this malicious allegation. In July 2007 at the age of 85, fearing that this new allegation would lead to bail being revoked, Ken took his own life.

Ken Dyers was subjected to 15 years of false allegations in an attempt to destroy him and Kenja. He was innocent and his passing was the result of a second malicious conspiracy to destroy him. This was not only a great personal tragedy, but also represented a terrible affront to freedoms cherished by all in a civilised society.

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