When you talk about ‘enjoying the game of life’, what do you mean?

We all have a few things in common. We have a body, a mind, and we are all experiencing this thing that we call ‘life’. It is everybody’s right to have a successful, happy and fulfilling life, but there is no cut and dried guarantee that you will. In fact you don’t need to look very far to see that some of us are not enjoying the fulfilment that the game of life can offer.

You refer to the ‘game’ of life?

Well, there are two basic viewpoints that can be taken on life.

The first is a physical viewpoint. Which is to say, life is something that happens to you. That you somehow find yourself in a situation whereby you are a body and a mind trying to survive as best you can within a limited understanding.

The second viewpoint is the spiritual outlook on life. That you have a mind and a body, but you are spiritual in essence. From this perspective, life is an opportunity to embrace, a chance to increase understanding, evolve, and communicate in alignment with your personal spiritual purpose. This second viewpoint is the one the Kenja training adopts. It requires us to take a detached spiritual viewpoint outside of the physical. At Kenja we achieve this using Energy Conversion meditation.

Then it comes down to the way you play the game of life, and to play a game you have to understand the spiritual rules.

What kind of rules?

If you don’t see life as a game, you won’t bother to understand the rules that govern the game, because you mistakenly assume there are no rules. There is no point walking onto a netball court, then playing by the rules of soccer. Yet this is what often happens with people.

You firstly need to confront what the game is, and what the rules are. Once you understand the game, you can focus on the enjoyment. And that doesn’t only mean the physical issues either, which are obvious. It includes the more subtle spiritual truths which actually govern the quality of the game of life. Kenja training is based on Ken’s research in developing an understanding of how these spiritual truths can be applied within the daily pressures of modern life. If you can understand and then apply these spiritual laws on which the game of life operates, you can play the game to win.

What is winning to you?

To be happy in the game of life, I mean really fulfilled, you need to be winning on both a physical and spiritual level. Some people look as though they are winning and on a physical level they are winning. But on a spiritual level they may be losing. Being on top of the physical and spiritual game takes a little more intelligence, persistence and understanding.

The people who are winning are the ones who are enjoying life to its fullest, in alignment with the human spirit. And they naturally share that enjoyment with others.

Is this what will be communicated in the upcoming lectures series?

Personal potential is a huge area. Nobody really knows all that they are capable of achieving until they have achieved it. But one thing is for sure, we are all capable of so much more than we have currently achieved. This lecture series will ask some big questions, and hopefully offer viewpoints that people can take away and apply immediately to create positive changes in their lives.

The 2006 ‘Freedom Lecture Series’ was very successful. Outstanding. People from all over Australia got to hear Ken firsthand. And with his latest research being applied, I know the 2007 ‘Reaching for Personal Potential’ lecture series will be ahead of anything we’ve done before!

Thanks Jan.

Thank you

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